由于交换机没有 Reset 按钮,只能通过 console 使用 root 账户登录系统进行密码重置操作。
初始 root 账户信息
- user: root
- password: fibranne
20240117_20:34---FCSW07 login: root
20240117_20:34---Disclaimer for Root and Factory Accounts Usage!
20240117_20:34---This Fibre Channel switch is equipped with Root and Factory accounts
20240117_20:34---that are intended for diagnostics and debugging purposes solely by
20240117_20:34---the Equipment vendor's trained engineers. Improper use of the
20240117_20:34---functionality made available through the Root or Factory account could
20240117_20:34---cause significant harm and disruption to the operation of the SAN fabric.
20240117_20:34---Your use of the functionality made available through the Root or Factory
20240117_20:34---account is at your sole risk and you assume all liability resulting from
20240117_20:34---such use. The Equipment vendor shall have no liability for any losses
20240117_20:34---or damages arising from or relating to the use of the Root or Factory
20240117_20:34---account (and the functionality enabled thereby) by anyone other than
20240117_20:34---the Equipment vendor's authorized engineers.
20240117_20:34---Proceeding with the usage of this switch as the Root or Factory user
20240117_20:34---explicitly indicates your agreement to the terms of this disclaimer.
20240117_20:34---Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
20240117_20:34---Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.
20240117_20:34---Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next login
20240117_20:34---until password is changed.
20240117_20:34---FCSW07:root> passwddefault
20240117_20:34---Password policies are already set to default.
20240117_20:34---All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
登录后使用 passwddefault 命令进行密码重置,默认 admin 用户密码为 password
需要注意的是,请尽量不要修改 root 用户密码,一旦 root 密码遗忘只能发回原厂进行处理。